Color the History of the Sault


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Produced by the Chippewa County Historical Society

Sault Ste. Marie has a long and colorful history—what better way to put the images of this history in the minds of our young people than to have them “color the history.” With that idea in mind, the Chippewa County Historical Society (CCHS) undertook this coloring book project.

In the 2003/2004 school year, area residents of all ages were invited to submit drawings for the coloring book. Recommended topics were provided as guidelines for submissions. In the summer of 2004 twenty-six drawings were selected for inclusion in the book. The CCHS was able to give $50 awards for each one chosen, thanks to a grant from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA). Those submissions not selected were exhibited by the CCHS throughout the summer and fall of 2004.

Special thanks are given to Sharon MacLaren, who coordinated the project and provided the script for the book; to Anny Hubbard, who provided the artwork for the book cover; and to Kevin Pomeroy of National Office Products and Printing, INC., who provided the technical assistance needed to make the book both attractive and affordable.

Since Michigan History is included in the curriculum requirements for 4th graders, the CCHS has provided a copy of this book free of charge to every 4th grade student in the Sault Ste. Marie in the fall of 2004. The words or phrases that are underlined throughout the book’s text may need further explanation to students.